


III. 核分裂工学 » 301-1 炉物理,核データの利用,臨界安全

[2M10-12] 実験解析

2023年9月7日(木) 15:20 〜 16:10 M会場 (ES総合館3F ES034)

座長:木村 礼(東芝ESS)

15:20 〜 15:35

[2M10] Practical gamma ray measurement of short half-life noble gas (135Xe, 88Kr) emitted by fuel debris for criticality estimation

*Eka Sapta Riyana1, Ikuo Kanno1, Masahiro Sakamoto1, Taichi Matsumura1, Kenichi Terashima1, Keisuke Okumura1 (1. JAEA)

キーワード:Fuel Debris, Subcritical System, Neutron Multiplication Factor, Short Half-life Fission Products, activity ratio of 88Kr to 135Xe.

Our previous study showed a linear relationship between the activity ratio of 88Kr to 135Xe and the effective multiplication factor, keff, in a primary containment vessel (PCV) and in a fuel debris canister. The accuracy of the activity ratio, which closely related to the accuracy of predicted keff , is estimated based on an existing gamma ray energy spectrum. Practical measurement method for the gamma ray from nuclides in the PCV and the fuel debris canister gas is proposed.