2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 201-1 Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Data Measurement/Evaluation/Validation, Nuclear Reaction Technology

[2N15-18] Fission Reaction

Thu. Sep 7, 2023 4:10 PM - 5:15 PM Room N (School of Eng. Bildg. 2F 521)

Chair:Nobuyuki Iwamoto(JAEA)

4:40 PM - 4:55 PM

[2N17] Study of fission dynamics using five-dimensional Cassini parameters in actinide region III

*Kazuki Okada1, Wada Takahiro1, Carjan Nicolae2,3 (1. Kansai Univ., 2. IFIN-HH, 3. LP3i, Bordeaux Univ.)

Keywords:fission dynamics, Langevin equation, nuclear data, Cassini shape parameterization

The dynamical approach to fission with the multi-dimensional Langevin equation has been widely used in the study of fission. We apply the Cassini shape parametrization to the Langevin equation, which can flexibly describe the deformed shapes of nuclei. From the static approach, it has been pointed out that it is important to include five Cassini parameters to describe the fragment shapes: overall elongation, mass asymmetry, quadrupole deformation of fragments, shape asymmetry and octupole deformation of fragments. In this study, we apply the five-dimensional (5D) Langevin equation with the Cassini parameters in the actinide region. At the 2023 Annual meeting, we showed the results of the fragment mass distributions for the fission of Th, U and Fm with 5D Langevin calculations. In this presentation, we report further results of fragment mass and total kinetic energy distributions for various actinide nuclei. We discuss the effectiveness of the 5D Langevin calculation with Cassini parameters by comparing the results with experimental data.