2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 202-1 Radiation Behaviors, Radiation Shielding

[3I01-08] Radiation Behavior

Fri. Sep 8, 2023 9:45 AM - 11:55 AM Room I (ES Bildg. 2F ES024)

Chair:Masahiro Taniguchi(TAISEI)

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM

[3I03] Shielding Experiment with 24 GeV Protons at CERN/CHARM

Estimation of neutron energy spectra using measured data by activation detectors

*Eunji Lee1, Toshiya Sanami1, Noriaki Nakao2, Tsuyoshi Kajimoto3, Nobuhiro Shigyo4, Hiroshi Yashima5, Takahiro Oyama6, Robert Froeschl7, Elpida Iliopoulou7, Angelo Infantino7 (1. KEK/SOKENDAI, 2. Shimizu Corp, 3. Hiroshima Univ., 4. Kyushu Univ., 5. KURNS, 6. KEK, 7. CERN)

Keywords:Shielding experiment, High energy accelerator, Activation detector, Unfolding method, Neutron spectra

High-energy neutrons generated by irradiating 24 GeV protons on a copper target were measured using the activation detectors after passing through steel and concrete shields at the CHARM facility of CERN. The neutron energy spectra were unfolded by measured data obtained from the detectors and their reaction cross-sections.