


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 201-1 原子核物理,核データ測定・評価・検証,核反応工学

[3N01-04] 光核反応

2023年9月8日(金) 09:30 〜 10:35 N会場 (工学部5号館2F 521)

座長:牧永 あや乃(理研)

10:00 〜 10:15

[3N03] Target mass dependence of photoneutron spectra from the photonuclear reaction for 13 MeV photons

*Thuong Thi Hong Nguyen1, Toshiya Sanami2,1, Hirohito Yamazaki2,1, Eunji Lee2,1, Kenta Sugihara2,1, Toshiro Itoga3, Yoichi Kirihara4, Shuji Miyamoto5, Satoshi Hashimoto6, Yoshihiro Asano2,5 (1. SOKENDAI, 2. KEK, 3. JASRI, 4. JAEA, 5. Osaka University, 6. Hyogo Univ./LASTI)

キーワード:photonuclear reaction, photoneutron emission, photoneutron energy spectra, time-of-flight method

The measurements of photoneutron spectra for 13 MeV linearly polarized photons on Ta, W, Au, Pb, and Bi targets were carried out at the NewSUBARU facility, Hyogo. The spectra were obtained by adopting the time-of-flight method. The target mass dependence will be discussed based on the experimental data. The detailed results will be presented in the meeting.