


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 201-1 原子核物理,核データ測定・評価・検証,核反応工学

[3N05-09] 核データ測定

2023年9月8日(金) 10:35 〜 11:55 N会場 (工学部5号館2F 521)

座長:明午 伸一郎(J-PARC/JAEA)

11:20 〜 11:35

[3N08] Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement of 129I and 127I using ANNRI at MLF/J-PARC

*Gerard Rovira1, Atsushi Kimura1, Shoji Nakamura1, Shunsuke Endo1, Osamu Iwamoto1, Nobuyuki Iwamoto1, Yosuke Toh1, Mariko Segawa1, Makoto Maeda1, Tatsuya Katabuchi2 (1. JAEA, 2. Tokyo Tech)

キーワード:J-PARC, ANNRI, 129I, 127I, Time-of-flight Measurement, Long-lived fission product

The neutron capture cross sections of 129I and 127I were measured at the ANNRI beamline of J-PARC. The time-of-flight
experimental technique together with the neutron filtering system were applied to determine the cross section for neutron
energies from the thermal to the keV neutron regions. In the present work, alongside the cross section data, the results of
a resonance shape analysis with the REFIT code are also included.