


V. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 504-2 核化学,放射化学,分析化学,アクチノイドの化学

[1H11-13] 土壌吸着・分析技術

2023年3月13日(月) 16:10 〜 17:00 H会場 (13号館1F 1312)

座長:佐々木 祐二(JAEA)

16:40 〜 16:55

[1H13] 燃料デブリ分析のための超微量分析技術の開発


*麻 卓然1、立野 嵩陽1、本間 佳哉2、⼩無 健司2、鈴⽊ 達也1 (1. 長岡技科大、2. 東北大)

キーワード:模擬デブリ、非平衡プラズマ酸化、ボロキシデーショ ン法

In order to facilitate the dissolution of these insoluble nuclear debris from the Fukushima accident, it is necessary to investigate methods of pulverizing them to increase their surface area. We therefore developed non-equilibrium plasma oxidation device to verify the powderization of uranium dioxide solids and to compare the results with thermochemical oxidation. For the results of the plasma oxidation experiment, Uranium dioxide solid (42mg) can be partly converted to powder by plasma oxidation (6.5h, O2:0.4 L/min) with a low temperature (less than 200℃). Small uneven bumps of 1µm or less appears on the surface of powders produced by oxidation using non-equilibrium plasma.