2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

VI. Fusion Energy Engineering » 601-3 Tritium Science and Technology (Fuel Recovery and Refining, Measurement, Iisotope Effect, Safe Handling)

[2A01-05] Tritium Production

Tue. Mar 14, 2023 10:30 AM - 11:55 AM Room A (11 Bildg.1F 1101)

Chair:Makoto Inami Kobayashi(NIFS)

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

[2A04] Study on T production using high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for fusion reactors

(3) Hydrogen-absorption performance of Ni-coated Zr spheres and preparation of the irradiation test module

*Hideaki Matsuura1, Taisei Abe1, Kanta Kitagawa1, Hiromi Kawai1, Kazunari Katayama2, Teppei Otsuka3, Minoru Goto4, Shigeaki Nakagawa4, Etsuo Ishitsuka4, Shinpei Hamamoto5 (1. Kyushu Univ., 2. Kyushu Univ. Eng. Sci, 3. KINDAI Univ., 4. Kyushu University, 5. Blossom Energy)

Keywords:Tritium, High-temperature gas-cooled reactor, Ni-coated Zr shpere, Li-loading test module, Fusion DEMO reactor

Tritium (T) preparation is necessary for initial fusion reactor startup operation. We have proposed the T production using a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). At this stage, we aim to assess the compatibility of electricity and T production; hence, how to stably contain T in a Li-loading rod is a crucial issue. We investigate the Li-loading rod structure using dense-quality Al2O3 and Zr spheres with Ni coating and experimentally measured the basic hydrogen absorption properties of a Zr sphere with Ni coating in a circumstance like that with the HTGR. A test module prototype is produced for initial irradiation test. The current typical specification of the test module is reported.