11:20 AM - 11:35 AM
[3E08] Uncertainty evaluation of GDR peak energy and new Skyrme parameter set
Keywords:Monte Carlo calculation, uncertainty evaluation, giant resonance, effective inteaction
ItIt is well known that RPA calculation reproduces well the giant dipole resonance (GDR) of photoabsorption cross section for heavt nuclei, but it underestimates the GDR peak energy for light nuclei.
We evaluated uncertainty of the calculated GDR peak energies propageted from uncertainty of parameters of effective interaction by use of the Monte Carlo calculation. Based on the result, we propose a new parameter set of the Skyrme effective interaction which properly reproduces the GDR peak energy.
We evaluated uncertainty of the calculated GDR peak energies propageted from uncertainty of parameters of effective interaction by use of the Monte Carlo calculation. Based on the result, we propose a new parameter set of the Skyrme effective interaction which properly reproduces the GDR peak energy.