2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 201-1 Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Data Measurement/Evaluation/Validation, Nuclear Reaction Technology

[3E10-15] Nuclear Data for Innovative Reactors

Wed. Mar 15, 2023 2:45 PM - 4:25 PM Room E (12 Bildg.2F 1225)

Chair:Nobuhiro Shigyo(Kyushu Univ.)

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

[3E13] Development of Nuclear Data Evaluation Framework for Innovative Reactor

(4) Integral experiment for verification of thermal neutron scattering law data using KURNS-LINAC

*Yoshiyuki Takahashi1, Jun-ichi Hori1, Hiroshi Yashima1, Kazushi Terada1, Yasunori Matsuo2, Takashi Kanda 2, Tadafumi Sano2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Kindai University)

Keywords:Thermal neutron scattering law,、 Integral experiment、 KURNS-LINAC、 Pulsed neutron source

In order to establish an innovative reactor, it is required to improve nuclear data such as thermal neutron scattering law. In this study, thermal neutron scattering law data of light water and calcium hydride is experimentally investigated using KURNS-LINAC by comparing it with the numerical calculation. In this presentation, we will report on the current progress of experimental results and future plans.