2024 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

VI. Fusion Energy Engineering » 601-5 Fusion Neutronics

[1G02-04] Fusion Neutron Source

Tue. Mar 26, 2024 10:20 AM - 11:10 AM Room G (21Bildg.3F 21-317)

Chair:Yuji Hatano(Univ. of Toyama)

10:20 AM - 10:35 AM

[1G02] Validation of the tritium dose assessment code employing the Gaussian Puff model for Fusion Neutron Source design

*Shunsuke Kenjo1, Sumi Yokoyama2, Kentaro Ochiai1, Satoshi Sato1 (1. QST, 2. Nagasaki Univ.)

Keywords:A-FNS, IFMIF, Environmental effect, Atmospheric dispersion, Tritium

Fusion neutron source (FNS) inevitably produces a large amount of tritium when producing the neutrons of energy around 14 MeV by the reactions of the D beam and liquid Li target.QST has been developing a new tritium dose assessment code, ROPUCO, which can incorporate real terrain and meteorological data as the input condition and simulate the tritium re-emission from the soil. In this study, tritium concentrations from ROPUCO were benchmarked with those from the existing code and experimental results, which validated the ROPUCO code. It was revealed that an assessment with ROPUCO was beneficial to obtain realistic values under low wind condition compared with the existing model.

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