11:25 AM - 11:40 AM
[1G06] Oxidation behavior of Inconel 600 under high temperature, high pressure water environment and its effect on tritium permeation
Keywords:tritium, permeation, Inconel, steam, oxide layer
We have examined tritium (T) permeation through Inconel 600 in high temperature water and found that the permeation rate increased with H2 addition and decreased with O2 addition by a factor of 10. To clarify the underlying mechanisms, the surfaces of Inconel 600 samples were analyzed after exposure to water at 280 ℃ for 14 or 28 hours. The oxide film thickness was 30-40 nm without additive gas, 20-30 nm with H2, and 50-100 nm with O2. The oxide film thickness changed just by a factor of ~2; the change in T permeation rate cannot be explained by that in oxide thickness. It appears the change in HT partial pressure also contributed to the change in permeation rate.
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