2024 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

III. Fission Energy Engineering » 304-1 Thermal Hydraulics, Energy Conversion, Energy Transfer, Energy Storage

[1K08-12] Multiphase Flow

Tue. Mar 26, 2024 2:45 PM - 4:10 PM Room K (21Bildg.4F 21-422)

Chair:Yutaro Umehara(Kyushu Univ.)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[1K09] Relationship Between Droplet Formation and Interfacial Instability of Liquid Jets Falling into Shallow Water Pool.

*Naoto Masaki1, Akiko Kaneko1, Naoki Horiguchi2, Hiroyuki Yosida2 (1. Univ. of Tsukuba, 2. JAEA)

Keywords:severe accident, shallow water pool, liquid jet, LIF(Laser Induced Fluorescence)

In the event of a core meltdown accident in a nuclear reactor, it is assumed that nuclear fuel melts and falls into the cooling pool in the form of jets, which are cooled and deposited through splitting and atomization. On the other hand, it is assumed that the pool vessel may break or the coolant may evaporate in the event of an accident, resulting in shallow water in the pool. In this experiment, we focused on the aforementioned interface instability and reproduced a nuclear fuel jet falling into a cooling pool and visualized the drop formation by using the LIF method in order to clarify the relationship between the jet interface instability and droplet formation.

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