5:10 PM - 5:25 PM
[2D18] Comparison of Regulatory Guide for MSR Safety Design with RG for LWR
Keywords:Molten Salt Reactor, MSR, Safety design, Accident, Regulatory guide
The following companies, TTS, BERD, and MOSTECH have collaborated with the International Thorium Molten Salt Forum to propose the draft of following regulatory guides (RG) for the safety of molten salt reactors (MSR), which are (1) RG for MSR safety design, (2) RG for MSR safety assessment, and (3) RG for MSR severe accidents.
A comparison table was created between RG for MSR safety design and Japan's RG for safety design of LWR.
As a result, it was found that, apart from specific items unique to MSR, corresponding items were almost all covered.
In addition, a comparison table was created between RG for MSR safety design and IAEA’s safety standards for LWRs (SSR-2/1).
Since IAEA’s one covers more broad area, a direct one-to-one comparison was not provided.
But, considering the above (1) and (2), we can conclude they are corresponding.
A comparison table was created between RG for MSR safety design and Japan's RG for safety design of LWR.
As a result, it was found that, apart from specific items unique to MSR, corresponding items were almost all covered.
In addition, a comparison table was created between RG for MSR safety design and IAEA’s safety standards for LWRs (SSR-2/1).
Since IAEA’s one covers more broad area, a direct one-to-one comparison was not provided.
But, considering the above (1) and (2), we can conclude they are corresponding.