The Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, 2022

Presentation information




Sat. Sep 3, 2022 9:10 AM - 9:55 AM B (A407)

座長:山崎 英恵(龍谷大)

9:10 AM - 9:25 AM

[B-1] Effect of various seasonings on enzyme activity of raw soy sauce

Mami Ando1, *Satoshi Kitao2, Aya Nohara1, Yoshichika Hirahara1, Naoki Eisaki3 (1. Setsunan University, 2. Osaka Shoin Women’s University, 3. Kikkoman Corporation)

Keywords:raw soy sauce, soy sauce, protease, α-amylase, seasonings , carbohydrate compounds

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