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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM 第I会場

司会:梅本 通孝(筑波大学)、馬場 美智子(兵庫県立大学大学院)、客野 尚志(関西学院大学)

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

[93] Applicability and Issues of the Flood Inundation Risk Area for Urban Planning Regarding Flood Risks

○Taku Nakano1, Nozomu Kiuchi1 (1. Building Research Institute)

Keywords:Flood risk, Land use regulation, Hazard map, Disaster Risk Mitigation, Flood Disaster Statistics

Climate changes are increasing flood risk in urbanized areas. When considering flood risk in urban planning, the Flood Inundation Risk Area (IRA) based on the Flood Prevention Law is widely used today. However, this area was originally designated from the perspective of emergency evacuation and not for guiding land use for disaster prevention. From such an understanding, this paper examines the applicability and issues of using IRA as flood risk information for land use planning of regulation and guidance. To verify the character of IRA, the geographical relationship between IRA, city planning control areas and DID using geographical information data, and the correspondence between the actual flood damage and IRA are analyzed. Based on the results, it is suggested that additional information concerning relative flood risk appraisal within the IRA is necessary to utilize the risk information for land use planning.