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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM 第II会場

司会:近藤 明子(四国大学)

1:40 PM - 2:00 PM

[111] Effect of Rebuilding Promotion by Deregulation in Concentrated Urban Area in Formulated Area of Disaster Prevention Block Improvement Zone Plans

○Tomohiko Tabe1, Kunihiko Matsumoto2, Masanori Sawaki2 (1. UD consultants Co., Ltd, 2. Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University)

Keywords:Disaster prevention zone plans, Concentrated urban areas, Rebuilding, Deregulation

This study aims to clarify the influences of disaster prevention block improvement zone plans and deregulation on rebuilding intentions and problems of disaster prevention. We analyzed the spatial characteristics of deregulated buildings by comparing deregulated and non-deregulated buildings which are constructed after the zone plans were formulated. We grasped the problem of restriction on installation of wall retreat area and the impact of rebuilding intentions from questionnaire surveys of the residents. Deregulation was often applied to buildings in narrow sites or along narrow roads. Although residents were not aware of their homes being deregulated, it is suggested that rebuilding can be promoted by construction companies using deregulation to meet demands of building owners.