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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 第IV会場

司会:小林 敏樹(北九州市立大学)、宮川 智子(和歌山大学)

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

[130] A study on the Change of Form and Organization of the Shrine Ritual as a Social Bond

-In the case of Shiba-shirine in Eiheiji-town, Yoshida-gun, Fukui-prefecture-

Ayumi Yamada1, ○Masahiro Kato1, Takashi Ariga1 (1. Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University)

Keywords:shrine ritual, modification, public awareness, social bond, community management, parishoner association

Recently, it’s considered to be important to carry out festival management from the perspective that the shrine and the parishioners are the members who are in charge of regional management. The purpose of this study is clarifying the relationship between the social bond and the transition of ritual. Through the research of (1)historical transition of ritual (2)association system (3)parishioners'opinions, the follwing has been identified (1)Traditional ritual has changed into spring festival, which is held by mainly parishioners, and fall ritual, which inherits previous tradition. (2)Parishioners take part in the festival through the intermediary of neighborhood associations. (3)Parishioners ' awareness for ritual are different in each association by reflecting characteristics of population. The social bond is indirectly established by mediation of neighborhood associations. Also it is considered to be important to share the issues and the direction of change of festival between each association, rather than setting the framework consistently.