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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 第IV会場

司会:小林 敏樹(北九州市立大学)、宮川 智子(和歌山大学)

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[131] Study on the actual situation of the city which made location optimization plan

- Case study of Hanamaki city -

○Yuta Yamanashi1, Michio Ubaura2 (1. Shizuoka Prefecture, 2. Tohoku University)

Keywords:Location optimization plan, urban function inducing area, residential inducing area

The location trends of buildings in Hanamaki city were analyzed the following 3 aspects. First, change in the number of new buildings in the entire city: the number of buildings in the inducing area increased after the announcement of the plan, and the number of induced types of buildings increased in each inducing area. Secoud, trends in the location of buildings for which notifications must be submitted; urban function enhancement facilities and large residential facilities: there were no visible inducing effects and impact for buildings that were actively inducing-targeted by this plan. Third, impact on real estate agent perceptions: neither those who build the residences nor those who live in that houses are as conscious of the plan as location control system like regulation on location in agriculture promotion area.