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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 第IV会場

司会:小林 敏樹(北九州市立大学)、宮川 智子(和歌山大学)

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

[135] Interrelationship among communal units in the irrigation system before the land replotting in Japan

- Sampling a Jori-grided village, Harie at the Ado Alluvial Plain (Kozuno manor, Shiga prefecture) -

○Hiroe Yoshida1 (1. 3--lab)

Keywords:cultural landscape, irrigation system, correlationship, arable land ownership, community

This paper aimed to characterize inter-communal relationships on irrigation system right before Japan’s land replotting (1984). Inspired by the regional tradition of dispersed arable land ownership for the purpose of connecting each farmer to multiple waterways, the paper sampled Harie village in Shiga as an important cultural landscape for its peculiar water system and uncovered invisible interrelationship as followings: A) Adjacent irrigation interrelationship among lannd owners in the central district that was developed the earliest is found to be the most. B) Villages remote from Harie that used to share water supply from the regional Aiba dam are connected most to owners in the oldest settlement. C) Correlation diagrams on irrigation network even uncover residential development in the Medieval Period.