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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 6, 2021 12:40 PM - 3:00 PM 第V会場 (共通講義棟C EL43)

司会:大森 宣暁(宇都宮大学)、谷本 圭志(鳥取大学)

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

[59] Analyzing the impact of abolishing local railways on the population of station areas considering the heterogeneity of station area characteristics

○Hiroshi Uemura1, Ryoji Matsunaka2, Tetsuharu Oba2 (1. The Japan Research Institute, Limited., 2. Kyoto Univ.)

Keywords:abolition of local railway, population of station area, PSM-DID, heterogeneity

In this study, we quantitatively estimated the effects of abolishing local railways on the population of station areas for stations abolished between 1981 and 1990. Using propensity score matching difference-in-differences (PSM-DID), it was statistically shown that abolishing local railways reduces the population of station areas by a maximum of 8.3%, compared to the case of their continuation. In addition, we clarified that the impact of abolishing local railways differed depending on the characteristics of the station area. In particular, it was revealed that abolishing local railways caused a greater decrease in population for stations that had larger populations or a higher modal share of public transportation use before the abolition.