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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 11, 2023 9:20 AM - 11:50 AM 第II会場 (A棟 G29教室)

司会:近藤 早映(三重大学)、杉田 早苗(東京工業大学)、橋本 清勇(広島国際大学)

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

[15] A study of U.S. legal provisions for the challenges of managing residential areas for Japanese management organizations

○Yuna Matsubayashi1, Hiroko Saito1 (1. Yokohama City University)

Keywords:Residential Management, Community Association, Homeowners Association, Legislative System

In establishing a management organization for the purpose of maintenance and management of common ownership in planned detached residential areas in Japan, it is widely practiced to establish a management association based on the Property Ownership Law. However, the limitations of applying the Property Ownership Law to residential areas have been emerged with the passing of time, and it is necessary to reconsider the legislative system for the management of residential areas. Therefore, this study focuses on the U. S’s legislations system regarding establishment of the HOA’s and the management of the HOA, in order to compare it with the issues in Japan’s management system.