10:20 AM - 10:40 AM
[16] A study of occupancy standard of privately owned public spaces from the viewpoint of area management
- Focusing on Tokyo and other cities designated by government ordinance
Keywords:Area management, Privately owned public space, public space, Comprehensive design system, Occupancy standard
For area management to enhance the attractiveness of the district, the utilization of privately owned publics space(POPS) created by comprehensive design system is required. However, there are no specific legal requirements for occupancy of POPS, and local governments operate it on their own. The purpose of this study is to clarify both the occupancy standards of local governments and the actual situation of the utilization of POPS in area management, for revitalization and creation of a bustling atmosphere of the district. More municipalities are setting occupancy standards within the limits that don't deviate from the role of POPS, and the utilization of POPS is progressing. Some municipalities promote the active usage of POPS by occupying entities with publicness.