4:30 PM - 4:45 PM
[223] Optimal location of cycle-and-bus-ride bicycle parking lots
Keywords:maximum coverage problem, optimal location, Hiratsuka City, covered population
A transportation behavior in which a person bicycles from his/her place of residence to a bus stop and transfers to a bus to reach the his/her destination is called cycle-and-bus-ride (C&BR). Public bicycle parking lots for C&BR close to bus stops have been introduced in several municipalities in Japan. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal combination of bus stops, to which the parking lots are introduced, that maximizes the population covered by the area. The C&BR area is assumed to be from 300m to 1000m of the parking lots. The obtained optimal location by solving the maximum coverage problem in Hiratsuka City shows that a trade-off relationship between the convenience of bus stops expressed by the total number of bus per day and the covered population.