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Reports of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 第III会場 (A棟 G2大講義室)

司会:高澤 由美(山形大学)

4:45 PM - 5:00 PM

[224] A study on the communication between students and shared space on Chinese university campuses

○Weifan Guo1, Tohru Yoshikawa1, Ryo Sanuki1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Keywords:communication, environmental psychology, shared space, university campus, network analysis

According to the Environmental Perception, it is pointed out that specific spaces stimulate different emotions, resulting in various specific behaviors. In summary, by observing communication behavior, investigating communication willingness, and conducting quantitative analysis of specific spaces, we can clearly grasp the spatiotemporal distribution of communication. Therefore, this study aims to combine the frequency of communication behavior with spatial properties for analysis to reveal the impact of spatial factors on communication behavior. Through three object scales, which are the campus as multiple functional areas, the student dormitory area as architectural complex, and the library as a single building, this study grasped the factors that affect communication in Chinese university campuses.