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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM 第III会場 (A棟 G2大講義室)

司会:泉山 塁威(日本大学)、池添 純子(徳島文理大学)、辻本 乃理子(流通科学大学)

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

[99] The operation of adjacent lands’ integration project for removal of narrow lands

○SHUN HIGUCHI1, KUNIHIKO MATSUMOTO2, SAWAKI MASANORI (1. Urban Renaissance Agency, 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University)

Keywords:adjacent land's integration project, removal of narrow lands, rebuildings, high-density area

This article focused on a project, financially supported by municipalities, to integrate adjacent lands and promote removal of narrow lands, lands unconnected with roads, and low-used and unused lands. We aimed to clarify achievements, attempts to promote the project, and the actual state of rebuilding after land integration. The results of a questionnaire which surveyed 15 municipalities showed that the requirement of removal or rebuilding in integrating land was related to achievements. To publicize the project, municipalities which didn’t impose the requirement of removal or rebuilding in integrating land cooperated with real estate agents or the Non-Profit Organization. Out of all five parcels of integrated land, four met the minimum site area for rebuilding.