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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 1:10 PM - 2:30 PM 第III会場 (A棟 G2大講義室)

司会:池添 純子(徳島文理大学)、辻本 乃理子(流通科学大学)

1:30 PM - 1:50 PM

[107] A Study for Location Change of Facilities to be Induced and Consciousness of the Developer or the Building Owner by Operating the Location Normalization Plan

- Case Study of Area Divisional Local City Akita

○Kunio Yamaguchi1 (1. Akita Prefectural University)

Keywords:Location Normalization Plan, Location Decision, Location Rate, Number of Houses

IIn order to clarify the way of strengthening effectiveness the location normalization plan, this paper clarifies the actual location change and consciousness of the developer or the building owner. From the survey in Akita City, the result of the analysis shows followings. The locational normalization plan does not work well in Akita City. That is due to the lack of understanding the plan by the developer or the building owner, influence of various specific past factor at the location decision, and the end-user evaluation against the inducing area defined by the plan. From these things, to make plan work well, it is necessary to strengthen public relations of medium to long term merit of the locating in the inducing area, and introduce a mechanism for coordinating location change at an early stage prior to the legally mandated notification date.