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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM 第VI会場 (A棟 G31教室)

司会:木村 優介(大阪工業大学)、矢吹 剣一(横浜国立大学)、堀 裕典(岡山大学)

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

[134] An analysis of psychological structure on acceptance of out-groups around community development

- A case study of Uchiko town, Kita district, Ehime Prefecture

○Hirotoshi Shirayanagi1, Ami Nozoe1 (1. Ehime University)

Keywords:acceptance of out-group, residence year, place attachment, bridging social capital

In a region where the population is declining, it is important to promote the endogenous development of the local community by engaging human resources from outside the region to bring their new perspectives and stimulation to the community. However, there are cases where residents are strongly attached to their community that they don’t understand the need to accept out-group, leading to a situation where collaboration is difficult. In this study, the psychological structure on acceptance of out-groups around community development and the factors that improve the prevention of acceptance of out-groups were investigated. The results showed that the number of years of residence decreases the acceptance of out-groups and that place attachment and bridging social capital increase the acceptance of out-groups.