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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM 第VI会場 (A棟 G31教室)

司会:木村 優介(大阪工業大学)、矢吹 剣一(横浜国立大学)、堀 裕典(岡山大学)

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[135] The Impact of Street Soundscape on Evaluation for Street Design

- Toward Evaluation Models with 3D Street Models

○Yuki Shinoda1, Kazuki Nakamura1, Ami Yamada2 (1. Meijo Univ., 2. Kariya City Office)

Keywords:soundscape, street design, 3D street model, traffic noise, activity sound

In street design improvements, multifunctional spaces for activities and mobility are increasingly required. These spatial elements are perceived not only visual perception but also auditory perception, which makes soundscape important in street design. This study aims to clarify the impact of soundscape on street design evaluation using 3D street models and statistical evaluation models. First, a literature reviews classified components of soundscape on street into types of sounds. Then, 3D street models with sounds were constructed and applied to a questionnaire survey. Finally, regression models are developed to evaluate street design with soundscape. As a result, the evaluation was affected by traffic noises and activity sounds.