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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM 第VI会場 (A棟 G31教室)

司会:木村 優介(大阪工業大学)、矢吹 剣一(横浜国立大学)、堀 裕典(岡山大学)

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

[140] The Development Scheme for Traditional Houses and the Role of Town Management Companies in the Tatsuno Former Castle Town

○Noriaki Mizoguchi1, Keita Yamaguchi1, Riku Tanigawa1, Masashi Kawasaki1 (1. Kyoto University)

Keywords:renovating traditional houses, vacant house improvement, Tourism-based community development, Town management company, Sublease

This paper discusses a development scheme for traditional houses and the role of town management companies in Tatsuno, as well as the effectiveness of the scheme by comparing it with the method introduced in Gifu. In Tatsuno, a real estate company purchased various traditional houses, renovated them, and found tenants, transforming them into profitable properties. They were then sold to investors and master leased. Thus, the company created property-owning investors who shared its vision, while managing the properties and allowing them to be occupied by people who valued and upheld the local culture. The requirements to introduce the scheme include a local human network to link stakeholders and the ability to select tenants through local events.