1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
[142] A study on zoning based on convenience facility characteristics and analyses of the distribution of stay behavior in urban centers of provincial cities
- Analysis using social media and GPS data
Keywords:Stay, Convenience facility, GPS data, Categorizing, Social media, Physical environment
This study categorized districts by convenience facility characteristics in the urban centers of Hiroshima, Sapporo, Sendai, and Fukuoka, and compared the physical environment indicators for each category among cities. The stay behavior extracted from the GPS data for each district category in Hiroshima City was analyzed. Finding showed that in Hiroshima City, the most frequent areas with commercial concentrations were farther from green and water surfaces compared to other cities. However, in areas close to greenery and rivers, there was less stay behavior and fewer convenience facilities, suggesting that these areas may not be used effectively.