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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 9:20 AM - 11:50 AM 第VII会場 (A棟 G45教室)

司会:大森 宣暁(宇都宮大学)、氏原 岳人(岡山大学)、谷本 圭志(鳥取大学)、柳沼 秀樹(東京理科大学)

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

[143] Nationwide understanding of financial costs of automobiles

- Identifying per-day automobile owner and user costs

○Shumpei Kawai1, Sumiko Ishibashi1, Mamoru Taniguchi2 (1. University of Tsukuba, Graduate School ofScience and Technology, 2. University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems)

Keywords:households, automobiles, mobility management, car ownership costs, car use cost

Informing the financial cost of automobiles as its negative aspect is an effective method in promoting the modal shift to public transportation. However, although the environments surrounding automobile ownership and usage differ among cities and individuals, they were not considered in the cost calculation. To clarify the accurate financial cost of automobiles across Japan, we first calculated the individual’s per-day expenditure on automobile ownership and usage using the National Person Trip Survey. Then, we compared the gross and the net average per-capita costs at the city level to clarify the differences in the expenditure structures. Results showed that high-density cities have relatively low gross average costs and high net average costs than low-density cities. Those precision calculation results will be useful information for promoting modal shifts in municipalities.