

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » New Applications of Silicon Photonics

[CThP12C] New Applications of Silicon Photonics

2022年8月4日(木) 14:00 〜 15:00 Room 201&202 (2F)

Session Chairs: Di Liang (Alibaba Group), Kazuhiro Ikeda (AIST)

14:00 〜 14:15

*Omar Florez1,2, Guillermo Arregui1, Marcus Albrechtsen3, Ryan C. Ng1, Jordi Gomis1, Soren Stobbe3, Clivia Marfa Sotomayor1,4, Pedro David Garcia1 (1. Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Spain), 2. Dept. de Física, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), 3. Department of Photonics Engineering, DTU Fotonik, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), 4. Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) (Spain))

[Presentation Style] Onsite

14:45 〜 15:00

*Marija Radulovic1,2, Benjamin D.J. Sayers1,2, Sebastian G Currie1,2, Dario A. Quintero Dominguez1, Joshua W. Silverstone1 (1. Quantum Engineering Technology Labs, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol (UK), 2. Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol (UK))

[Presentation Style] Onsite



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