
Presentation information

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » Precision Clock and Network

[CFA6G] Precision Clock and Network

Fri. Aug 5, 2022 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Room 204 (2F)

Session Chair: Masayuki Katsuragawa (Univ. of Electro-Communications)

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

[CFA6G-01 (Invited)] Comparing distant optical clocks to realize the redefinition of the second

*Tetsuya Ido1 (1. NICT (Japan))

[Presentation Style] Onsite

Various methods to compare physically separated optical frequencies will be discussed. Particularly, an intercontinental comparison (Japan – Italy) of optical clocks using very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) will be presented in detail.