

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » Strong Field Phenomena

[CMP2B] Strong Field Phenomena

2022年8月1日(月) 15:30 〜 16:15 Conference Hall (Oval Room) (1F)

Session Chairs: Tadashi Togashi (JASRI), Takayuki Kurihara (Univ. of Tokyo)

15:45 〜 16:00

[CMP2B-02] Degenerate singularities in backward rescattering processes induced by strong infrared fields

*Tomoya Mizuno1, Tianqi Yang1, Takayuki Kurihara1, Nobuhisa Ishii1, Teruto Kanai1, Oleg I. Tolstikhin2, Toru Morishita3, Jiro Itatani1 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. Moscow Inst. Phys. and Tech. (Russia), 3. UEC (Japan))

[Presentation Style] Onsite

We measure carrier-envelope phase (CEP)-dependent photoelectron momentum distributions (PEMDs) of Kr and CO2 with linearly-polarized sub-two-cycle near-infrared laser pulses, to experimentally confirm the universality around the backward rescattering caustic.