

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » 3D and Volume Processing

[CTuP5B] 3D and Volume Processing

2022年8月2日(火) 15:30 〜 17:00 Room 206 (2F)

Session Chair: Koji Sugioka (RIKEN)

15:30 〜 16:00

[CTuP5B-01 (Invited)] Processing the bulk of silicon using IR ultrashort laser pulses – from waveguides to welding

*Stefan Nolte1,2, Namig Alasgarzade1, Alessandro Alberucci1, Markus Blothe1, Chandroth P. Jisha1, Qingfeng Li1, Gabor Matthäus1, Maxime Chambonneau1 (1. Friedrich Schiller Univ. Jena (Germany), 2. Fraunhofer IOF (Germany))

[Presentation Style] Online

We report on processing the bulk of silicon with infrared ultrashort laser pulses. The localized energy deposition and resulting material modifications enable various applications, from the inscription of waveguides to dicing and semiconductor–metal welding.