
Presentation information

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » High Power, High Energy Lasers III

[CWP4C] High Power, High Energy Lasers III

Wed. Aug 3, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Room 204 (2F)

Session Chairs: Martin Smrz (HiLASE Centre), Shigeki Tokita (Kyoto Univ.)

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM

[CWP4C-02] Lasing performance of Yb:YAG thin-disk with crystalline coatings directly bonded onto silicon carbide heatsink

*Martin Cimrman1,2, Jan Cvrček1,2, David Vojna1,2, Denisa Štěpánková1,2, Ondřej Foršt1,2, Martin Smrž1, Ondřej Novák1, Ondřej Slezák1, Michal Chyla1, Michal Jelínek2, Jiří Mužík1, Tomáš Mocek1 (1. HiLASE Centre, Institute of Physics AS CR (Czech Republic), 2. Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (Czech Republic))

[Presentation Style] Onsite

The lasing properties of a crystalline-coated Yb:YAG thin disk bonded onto a SiC heatsink in a multi-mode cavity are investigated, including disk temperature, output power, and dioptric power. The coatings show improvement over conventional ones.