

Oral Session

ISOM '22 » Holography II

[ITuPI] Holography II

2022年8月2日(火) 15:30 〜 17:15 Room 107&108 (1F)

Session Chairs: Daisuke Barada (Utsunomiya Univ.), Xiaodi Tan (Fujian Normal Univ.)

16:30 〜 16:45

[ITuPI-03] Synthetic Aperture with Image Interpolation for Incoherent Digital Holography

*Masahide Goto1, Teruyoshi Nobukawa1, Yutaro Katano1, Kei Hagiwara1, Tetsuhiko Muroi1 (1. Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) (Japan))

[Presentation Style] Online

We present a synthetic aperture method with image interpolation for an incoherent digital holography system. We apply the proposed method to captured holograms and observe an improvement in image quality of the reconstructed images.