



口頭発表: 英語

[E] 口頭英語

2017年6月3日(土) 15:30 〜 17:45 口頭発表会場1 (516教室)

座長:Kwangoh Yi(Yeungnam University)、齋藤 洋典(名古屋大学大学)

17:30 〜 17:45

[E-09] Learning effects of reading fluency training represented in keyword detection tasks: A case study of modern Korean language

*Yeon Joo Lee1, Young-Joo Kim2, Kichun Nam1 (1. Korea University, 2. Kyung Hee University)

キーワード:keyword detection task, modern Korean language, reading fluency

The present study aimed to verify the reliability of our revised keyword detection tasks as effective training tools for improving reading fluency of modern Korean language. The tasks consist of two types: keyword-picture matching (KPMT), and keyword-target detection task (KTDT). For KPMT, participants were to read three phrases at each trial, and to decide whether the picture semantically matched one of the words in the previous phrases. After KPMT, the participants performed KTDT; this time, the picture stimuli were converted to words, ceteris paribus. In pilot test, learning effects were not found significant (p=0.2; <0.05). The expected root causes of the result include a small number of participants (5), and stimuli (20 sentences per task). In this way, we predict that our data can be compensated by adding more participants and stimuli in the subsequent experiment.

論文集原稿 閲覧パスワード認証

