The 58th Battery Symposium in Japan / The 21st International Symposium on Batteries, Fuel Cells and Capacitors

Session information

International session

International session

International session 1

Thu. Nov 16, 2017 1:00 PM - 3:40 PM Room G (409+410)

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

*Simon Weigel1, Michael Rohde1, Philipp Eiden1, Verena Leppert1, Witali Beichel1, Petra Klose1, Harald Scherer1, Anke Hoffmann1, Abhinandan Shyamsunder3, Quan Pang3, Graham K. Murphy3, Guenter Semrau2, Arnd Garsuch2, Michael Schmidt2, Ingo Krossing1, Linda F. Nazar3 (1. Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, 2. BASF SE, 3. University of Waterloo)




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