124th JGS: 2017 Matsuyama, EHIME


Registration Deadline: July 5 th, 2017 (6:00pm, JST)


International Symposium

S1.Paleoozoic Paleogeography of East Asia

September  18(mon), 2017

Co-organizer:Palaeontological Society of Japan
Conveners: Simon Wallis(Nagoya Univ.), Mark Williams(Leicester Univ.), Tatsuo Oji(Nagoya Univ.)
  This session aims to bring together experts in the paleogeography of East Asia with special emphasis on the early Paleozoic. The main focus will be on the geology of Japan but we will also present information from countries germane to elucidating the paleogeographical evolution of East Asia, such as Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and China. The methods presented will mainly focus on i) paleontology including the new results of recent studies and summaries of well-documented regions, and ii) geochronology, in particular U–Pb ages of detrital minerals. Some will be new research some will be reviews of previous results. We think that trilobite studies are a previously under used source of valuable information on paleogeography and intend to make this a special focus of the session. We have the agreement of Prof Duck Choi from Korea to attend the meeting. Prof Choi is an eminent expert in the trilobites of Korea and this will be a rare opportunity to hear the results of his work. We also hope to present the results of a thorough review of trilobite collections from throughout Japan. This will be the first time information from all the substantial collections of trilobites in Japan has been brought together and assessed in the light of modern analytical techniques focussed on this group. The travel expenses for the foreign guests will be covered by a grant held jointly by the conveners. 

Speaker】Duck Choi(Seoul National Univ.) etc
Notice:English Only

Topic session:

T1.Cultural geology

Conveners: Akio Cho(AIST/GSJ),Hisashi Suzuki(Otani Univ.),Yousuke Noumi(Okayama Univ. of Sci.)

T2.Recent research results of the Kikai caldera and future issues

Conveners:Futoshi Nanayama(AIST),Shoichi Kiyokawa(Kyushu Univ.),Fukashi Maeno(Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo)

T3.Research for stable massif in the active Japanese Island

Conveners: Itaya, Tetsumaru (Enginering Geology Center, Hiruzen Institute for Geology and Chronology),Otofuji, Yo-ichiro (Institute of GeoHistory, Japan Gechronology Network),Suzuki, Shigeyuki (Okayama Univ.)

T4.The Japanese Islands: origin, growth & reform

Conveners: Yukio Isozaki(Univ. Tokyo),Yusuke Sawaki(Univ. Tokyo),Kazumasa Aoki(Okayama Univ. of Sci.)

T5.Recent progress on 3D geological modeling research

Conveners: Osamu Takano(JAPEX),Katsumi Kimura(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience),Hidemasa Ohta(Ohta Geo Research)

T6.Superficial Sedimentology: Deciphering record processes into sediments

Conveners: Kazuno Arai(Kochi Univ.),Kazumasa Oguri(JAMSTEC),Koji Seike(Univ. of Tokyo),Hajime Naruse(Kyoto Univ.),Kiichiro Kawamura(Yamaguchi Univ.)

T7.Geology of Slow Earthquakes

Conveners: Kohtaro Ujiie(Univ. of Tsukuba), Simon Wallis(Nagoya Univ.), Kyuichi Kanagawa(Chiba Univ.)

T8.Median Tectonic Line (MTL) and MTL active fault system

Conveners: Yasutaka Hayasaka(Hiroshima Univ.), Hideo Takagi(Waseda Univ.),Satoshi Yamakita(Miyazaki Univ.)

T9.Advanced Mud Volcano Studies 

Conveners: Miho Asada(JAMSTEC),Tomohiro Toki(Univ. of Ryukyus),Akira Ijiri(JAMSTEC),Takeshi Tsuji(Kyushu Univ.)

Regular session

R1.Plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks and magmatic processes

Satoshi Saito* (Ehime Univ.),Shimpei Uesawa (CRIEPI)

R2.Petrology, mineralogy and economic geology

Masaoki Uno* (Tohoku Univ.),Tarojiro Matsumura (AIST)

R3.Eruption, evolution and products of volcanic processes

Shimpei Uesawa* (CRIEPI),Takeshi Hasegawa (Ibaraki Univ.),Masashi Nagai (NIED)

R4.Metamorphic rocks and tectonics

Tatsuro Adachi* (Kyushu Univ.),Kenta Yoshida (JAMSTEC),Tomoyuki Kobayashi (Nagoya Gakuin Univ.)

R5.Regional geology and stratigraphy, chronostratigraphy

Noritaka Matsubara* (Univ. Hyogo),Takayuki Uchino (AIST),Tomonori Naya (AIST)


Kazuo Amano*(Nihon Univ.),Hideo Takagi (Waseda Univ.)

R7.Green tuff

Kazuo Amano*(Nihon Univ.),Noritaka Matsubara(Univ. Hyogo),Jun Hosoi(AIST)

R8.Marine geology

Juichiro Ashi*(AORI, Univ. of Tokyo),Yasuhiko Ohara (JCG),Takuya Itaki (AIST) 

R9.Origin, texture and composition of sediments

Tohru Ohta*(Waseda Univ.),Atsushi Noda(AIST)

R10.Origin of carbonate rocks and related global environments

Tsutomu Yamada* (Tohoku Univ.),Natsuko Adachi (Naruto Univ. Educ.)

R11.Sedimentary geology, processes and environments

Tetsuya Sakai*(Shimane Univ.),Osamu Takano(JAPEX),Dan Matsumoto(AIST)

R12.Geology and geochemistry of petroleum and coal

Shun Chiyonobu*(Akita Univ.),Satoko Chiyonobu(JAPEX),Yoshikazu Sampei (Shimane Univ.)

R13.Deformation and reactions of rocks and minerals

Tomoyuki Mizukami*(Kanazawa Univ.),Kiyokazu Oohashi(Yamaguchi Univ.),Makoto Otsubo(AIST),Miki Takahashi(AIST)

R14.Subduction zones and on-land accretionary complexes

Kohtaro Ujiie*(Univ. Tsukuba),Yoshitaka Hashimoto(Kochi Univ.),Arito Sakaguchi (Yamaguchi Univ.),Yasuyuki Nakamura(JAMSTEC)


Asuka Yamaguchi*(Univ. Tokyo),Shigeru Sueoka (JAEA),Ayumu Miyakawa(AIST)


Takao Ubukata (Kyoto Univ.),Yasuhiro Ota(Kitakyushu Mus.),Sachiko Agematsu* (Univ. of Tsukuba)

R17.The Jurassic +

Atsushi Matsuoka*(Niigata Univ.),Yasuo Kondo (Kochi Univ.),Toshifumi Komatsu (Kumamoto Univ.),Naoto Ishida (Tottori Univ.),Kentaro Nakada(Ammonite Center, Iwaki City)

R18.Geoinformatics and its application

Susumu Nonogaki*(AIST),Makoto Saito (AIST)

R19.Environmental geology

Kenji Nanba(Fukushima Univ.),Osamu Kazaoka(Res. Inst. Environ. Geol., Chiba),Muneki Mitamura(Osaka City Univ.),Yoshiyuki Tamura*(Chiba Pref. Environ. Foundation)

R20.Engineering geology and non-tectonic structures

Ken-ichi Nishiyama(Tokushima Univ.),Masao Kametaka* (Dia Consultants)

R21.Geoscience Education/History of Geoscience

Michiko Yajima*(Nihon Univ.),Tokuji Mitsugi (Oita Univ.)

R22.Quaternary geology

Fujio Kumon* (Kochi Univ.),Yoshihiro Takeshita (Shinshu Univ.)

R23.History of the Earth

Shoichi Kiyokawa*(Kyushu Univ.),Tsuyoshi Komiya(Univ. Tokyo),Kosei Yamaguchi (Toho Univ.),Junichiro Kuroda(Univ. Tokyo),Itsuki Suto(Nagoya Univ.),Onoue Tetsuji (Kumamoto Univ.)
R24.Nuclear energy and geological sciences
Hidekazu Yoshida*(Nagoya Univ.),Koji Umeda(Hirosaki Univ.),Masaki Takahashi (Nihon Univ.),Yoshio Watanabe(AIST)

R25.Mineral resources and global material cycles

Kentaro Nakamura*(Univ. Tokyo),Yasuhiro Kato(Univ. Tokyo),Hikaru Iwamori (JAMSTEC)

OR. Outreach session

Hiroyuki Hoshi* (Aichi Univ. Education) and Itsuki Suto (Nagoya Univ.)