GISA & IAG'i 2023




2023年10月29日(日) 09:00 〜 12:40 A会場 (C-203 新C棟2階)

座長: 青木 和人 (あおき地理情報システム研究所)、岩崎 亘典 (農研機構)、瀬戸 寿一 (駒澤大学)

09:00 〜 09:30

[A6-01] 日本における土地のデータ化を巡る新展開 -「法務省地図 XML アダプトプロジェクト」を事例に-

*瀬戸 寿一1、岩崎 亘典2、藤村 英範3 (1. 駒澤大学文学部、2. 農研機構農業環境研究部門、3. 国土地理院地理地殻活動研究センター)

キーワード:法務省地図XMLアダプトプロジェクト, 登記所備付地図データ, 住所, FOSS4G, ベクトルタイル形式

This article examines the activities and developments surrounding the public release of Map XML data in Japan, particularly the voluntary initiative. To address data distribution and file format challenges, the "Adopt Map XML Project (amx-project)" was launched on GitHub in January 2023. Their primary endeavor was to redistribute all data, providing an easier bulk download interface. Many tools and web map viewers emerged in the week following the public release, allowing users to visualize and utilize the data. The amx-project used GitHub's open platform to continuously discuss its direction and technical considerations. While amx-project operates voluntarily without adopting traditional project management, its role in sharing the potential and challenges of spatial data, exploring opensource technologies, and serving as a community hub for digital map developers and users is crucial.