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IASPEI Symposia » S07. Strong ground motions and Earthquake hazard and risk

[S07-2] Hazard and risk assessment I

Mon. Jul 31, 2017 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Hall (Kobe International Conference Center 1F)

Chairs: Massimiliano Pittore (GFZ Potsdam) , Toshiaki Yokoi (BRI)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[S07-2-01] Seismic Hazard Assessment for DAM Site Candidates in the East Aceh, Indonesia

Yudhicara Hidayat1, 2, Terianto Hidayat3, Yopi Siswono2, Hengky Pratama2 (1.Geological Agency, Bandung, Indonesia, 2.Padjadjaran University, 3.Geohazard Consultant)

The seismic hazard assessment is involve four main seismic sources such as fault gegments of Aceh, Tripa, Batee, and Lopok-Kutacane, three of them are belong to the Sumatran Fault. Magnitude distribution within the area is range Mw 5 to Mw 7.2. Seismicity is dominated by Tripa Fault Segment with range distance 1 km to 108 km to DAM site candidates. Probabilistic analysis with the same completeness (5% and 10% probability in 50 years) have the same Hazard Curves and for 2% probability 100 years has more extended return period for the probability of exceedance. Risk Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) for Study Area has PGA for main potential sources are in the range of 0.2 g to 0.3 g. The maximum earthquake intensity scale is VII Modified Earthquake Intensity Scale (Moderate Damage). Design Response Spectrum or Design Spectral for structures within area SDS and SD1 are in average of 0.4 g to 0.2 g respectively. Design Spectral Parameter is carried out for three different return period (475 years, 975 years and 4950 years). Rock sites are considered to be any site with bedrock within approximately 3 m depth from ground surface. Sites of interest are lay on the surface with average seismicity Velocity Shear 30 meter deep (Vs30) are in the range of 750 to 1500 meter per second and they are belong to Rock Classification SB. The worst-case events with size of each PGA is predicted with chance 2% probability for 100 years, histories have a record with maximum magnitude Mw 6.7 in the area with hypocenter 15 km depth and 14.047 km far from the closest source gives value of PGA 0.3 g. For site class SB, the site coefficient amplification factor is equal to 1 or no increasing value of PSA (g).

Keywords: Seismic source, PGA, Hazard Curves, Design Response Spectrum.