Presentation information


IASPEI Symposia » S07. Strong ground motions and Earthquake hazard and risk

[S07-2] Hazard and risk assessment I

Mon. Jul 31, 2017 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Hall (Kobe International Conference Center 1F)

Chairs: Massimiliano Pittore (GFZ Potsdam) , Toshiaki Yokoi (BRI)

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

[S07-2-02] Determination of Design Spectra with considering different site classification, in Andisheh suburb of Bandar Abbas, South of Iran

Maryam Sedghi1, 3, Ramak Heidari2, Abbas Jazayeri3, Mohamadreza Gheitanchi1 (1.Azad university north Tehran branch, Tehran, Iran, 2.Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, 3.Natural Disaster Research Institute, UNESCO chair on natural disaster management, Tehran, Iran)

A design spectrum is based on a statistical analysis of a collection of numerous spectra of different recorded ground motions in different earthquakes, with possible modifications based on engineering experience. By application of design spectra in seismic analyses, determination of design spectra for different site conditions improved the accuracy of seismic analysis results. Since Bandar Abbas is located in a high relative hazard zone (0.3 g) and the soil is soft in this region, also the city is in the presence of water, probability of liquefaction is high when the earthquake occurs. In this study we used 15 accelerograms with considering four characters such as: magnitude, epicentral distance, focal mechanism and site effect conditions for calculating hazard assessment. Seismosignal, EERA and Seisrisk 3 softwares were used to process data. Based on boreholes data and seismic profiles, the shear wave velocity model was obtained. Finally the design spectra parameters and microzonation maps were produced and presented to structural designers.
Keywords: Bandar Abbas, Design spectra, ground motion, seismic analysis, shear wave velocity, Microzonation, Hazard assessment