11:00 〜 11:12
*Armin W. Stuedlein1, Amalesh Jana1 (1. Oregon State University)
Oral Session
7. Liquefaction assessment
2024年5月9日(木) 11:00 〜 12:30 Room B (10F 1004+1005)
Chairperson: Nikolay Milev (University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy)
11:00 〜 11:12
*Armin W. Stuedlein1, Amalesh Jana1 (1. Oregon State University)
11:12 〜 11:24
*Gowtham Padmanabhan1,2, Kyohei Ueda2, Ryosuke Uzuoka2, Bal Krishna Maheshwari1 (1. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 2. Kyoto University)
11:24 〜 11:36
*Zhengxin Yuan1, Gang Wang1,2 (1. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2. HKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Collaborative Innovation Research Institute)
11:36 〜 11:48
Rocco Ceres1, *Anna d'Onofrio1, Francesco Gargiulo1, Francesco Silvestri1 (1. University of Naples Federico II)
11:48 〜 12:00
*Chi-Chin Tsai1, Ssu-Chieh Chen1, Tadahiro Kishida2 (1. National Chung Hsing University, 2. Khalifa University of Science and Technology)
12:00 〜 12:12
*Katherine Cheng1, Pablo Busch1, Katerina Ziotopoulou1 (1. University of California, Davis)
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