8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE)


Oral Session

5. Field testing & 6. Laboratory testing

[OS-32] Field and laboratory testing 2

2024年5月9日(木) 15:30 〜 17:00 Room B (10F 1004+1005)

Chairperson: Chi-Chin Tsai (National Chung Hsing University)

15:42 〜 15:54

[OS-32-02] Experimentally comparison of shaking table and pseudo-static parameters of polymeric-strip reinforced-soil walls

*Ali Komak Panah1,2, Mohammad Saeed Ramezani1 (1. Tarbiat Modares University, 2. Member of the board of Iranian Earthquake Engineering Association)

キーワード:pseudo-static method, shaking table test, reinforced earth retaining wall, polymeric strip, rock slope

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