8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE)


Oral Session

8. Liquefaction and lateral spreading & 9. Liquefaction impact on buildings and infrastructure & 11. Liquefaction mitigation

[OS-34] Liquefaction mitigation 1

2024年5月9日(木) 15:30 〜 17:00 Room E (10F 1009)

Chairperson: Paulo A.L.F. Coelho (University of Coimbra)

15:54 〜 16:06

[OS-34-03] Cross-linked xanthan gum biopolymer-based soil treatment (BPST) as a new ground improvement material to mitigate seismic liquefaction of loose sand

*Dongyeup Park1, Jin-Tae Han2, Gye-Chun Cho1, Ilhan Chang3 (1. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2. Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, 3. Ajou University)

キーワード:xanthan gum, biopolymer-based soil treatment, liquefaction, loose sand, cross-link

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