8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE)


Oral Session

12. Shallow and deep foundations

[OS-37] Shallow and deep foundations 1

2024年5月10日(金) 09:00 〜 10:30 Room B (10F 1004+1005)

Chairperson: Widjojo A. Prakoso (Universitas Indonesia)

10:12 〜 10:24

[OS-37-07] The Impact of a Thermal Insulation Layer on the Seismic Performance of Energy-Efficient Buildings

*Stanislav Lenart1, Siva Ram Karumanchi1 (1. Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG))

キーワード:energy-efficient buildings, thermal insulation, extruded polystyrene (XPS), finite element analysis, seismic response

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