8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE)

Presentation information

Oral Session

14. Retaining and waterfront structures

[OS-4] Retaining and waterfront structure

Tue. May 7, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Room E (10F 1009)

Chairperson: Yewei Zheng (Wuhan University)

1:12 PM - 1:24 PM

[OS-4-02] Application of HHT method in dynamic damage identification of reinforced slope soil

*Honglue Qu1, Mengjia Zhu1, Wangwang Dong1, Zhaolong Li2, Zhangyu Song1 (1. Southwest Petroleum University, 2. China Railway 23th Bureau Group 1th Engineering Co.,Ltd. )

Keywords:Hilbert-Huang Transform, slope soil, seismic damage mechanism, shaking table tests

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