8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE)


Oral Session

7. Liquefaction assessment

[OS-6] Liquefaction assessment 2

2024年5月7日(火) 15:30 〜 17:30 Room A (10F 1003+1001+1002)

Chairperson: Majid Ghayoomi (University of New Hampshire)

16:06 〜 16:18

[OS-6-04] Effect of lateral confinement method on excess pore pressure generation under strain-controlled cyclic direct simple shear test

*Dong-Kiem-Lam Tran1, Seung-Wook Woo1, Keum-Bee Hwang1, Sung-Sik Park1 (1. Kyungpook National University)

キーワード:Lateral confinement methods, wire-reinforce membrane, stacked rigid rings, strain level, cyclic direct simple shear test

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