The 7th ICJWSF


About submission of lecture video

This international conference will be held on the Web due to the influence of Covid-19.This meeting is a combination of on-time and on-demand. The opening, closing and keynotes will be on-time. There are many participants from overseas in the general lecture, and in consideration of the time difference, we plan to watch the lecture video submitted in advance on time and hold a question and answer session using the chat system.
Please prepare for Video as follows.
Video submission period: February 25-March 7

*** Please create and submit the lecture video as follows.
Lecture video specifications:
- Presentation time: up to 20 min
- File format & size: .mp4 with the file size of 1 GB or less
- Recommended aspect ratio: 16:9

Submission method:
- Please upload from the video registration system linked below.

Please check the program for the login ID ( Presentation No.).

For more information,please check the the video registration system  Instruction.

Submission deadline: March 7, 2022

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.